Newmac Equipment Pty Ltd

New Adaptaflex S25 galvanized steel conduit
Rolls of Adaptaflex S25 galvanised steel conduit for sale. Specifications are as....

Used H.C. Horton mechanical guillotine
We have for sale a good used, Australian made H.C. Horton mechanical guillotine ....

New Carif Semi-Automatic Bandsaw
Newmac Equipment are now offering New, high quality, Italian made, Carif Semi-Au....

New Carif BA CNC Automatic Bandsaws
Newmac Equipment are now offering New, High quality, Italian made, Carif BA Auto....

New Zopf Bulldozer Horizontal Benders
Newmac Equipment are proud to announce we are now selling new Zopf Bulldozer Hor....

Used Fromag KZ32 250 Keyseater
We have a Fromag KZ32 250 Keyseater for sale. Keyseating is a chip removal proce....

Used Ecoca EL 5110 CNC Teach Lathe
We have an excellent used condition Ecoca EL 5110 CNC teach lathe for sale. Spec....

Used TOS 2UD P2 500 Universal Cylindrical Grinder
We have a TOS 2UD P2 500 universal cylindrical grinder for sale. Specifications ....

New JF23 60A C frame Power Press
We have a JF23 60A, 60 ton, C frame power press for sale. Specifications are as ....

Used Mubea KBL 16N Mechanical Punch & Shear (415V) Stock #3888
We have an excellent used condition, Mubea KBL 16N Punch Shear for sale. Mechani....

Used Stankoimport 2H125 Geared Head Pedestal Drilling Machine
We have a Stankoimport 2H125 geared head pedestal drilling machine for sale. Spe....

Used Pittsburgh Lockseaming Machine
We have a used, Pittsburgh Lockseaming Machine for sale. Requires 240 volt power....