Servian Z3040 x 16 Radial Arm Drilling Machine

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Servian Z3040 x 16 Radial Arm Drilling Machine : $8,000 AUD ($8,800 Inc. GST)
We have a Servian Z3040 x 16 radial arm drilling machine for sale.
Specifications are as follows
Box table size 640mm x 510mm x 500mm high
Max drilling capacity in mild steel 40mm
Distance from centre of the spindle to the column Max 1600, Min 350mm
Distance from base plate to spindle nose Max 1250mm, Min 350mm
Distance from table to spindle nose Max 750mm,Spindle Speeds 25 to 2000 rpm
Feeds 16 automatic feed rates
Morse taper # 4
Quill travel 315mm
Motor Hp/Kw 4hp / 3kw
Power requirements 3 phase, 415 volt
Overall dimensions for transport, with arm lowered 2.5m x 1m x 2.65m high
Weight 3.5 tons
Testing of Machinery – Try Before You Buy
We are happy to test-run machinery in our warehouse, that way it gives you peace of mind that the machine will do your job prior to purchase.
This machine is in our warehouse so feel free to pop in to inspect the machine at your convenience or give us a ring for more information.
Thinking of selling your used or surplus equipment? Looking at Downsizing, Relocating, Closing Down or have machinery that is surplus to requirements. We are always looking for machinery to buy, so would appreciate the opportunity to assist in any way we can.
We would like to extend a note to all prospective customers. We are happy to provide details of freight companies that transport machines anywhere in Australia or worldwide. However, we want to remind customers that the machines are not insured during transport by either the transport companies or Newmac Equipment. We strongly advise that customers speak with their usual insurance company to take out transport insurance.