Mubea KBL 16N Mechanical Punch & Shear (415V) Stock #3888

BAYSWATER NORTH, VIC - Delivers Nationally
$10,000 AUD

($11,000 Inc. GST)

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Mubea KBL 16N Mechanical Punch & Shear (415V) Stock #3888 :      $10,000 AUD ($11,000 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    Not specified
    Sellers stock ID:
    M4U 3888

    We have an excellent used condition, Mubea KBL 16N Punch & Shear for sale.

    Mechanical Operation 29 Tonne
    Punch Capacity Dia 30mm 17mm Plate
    Angle Iron Capacity 130mm x 13mm
    Round Bar Capacity 45mm
    Square Bar Capacity 42mm
    Shearing Capacity in plate 70mm x 15mm thick or 150mm x 10mm thick
    Shearing Capacity in Bar 60mm x 24mm thich or 120mm x 15mm thick.
    See photos of charts on machine

    We have run this machine. All functions are working. This Ironworker is in our warehouse so please feel free to pop in to inspect the machine at your convenience.

    We are always interested in purchasing metalworking machinery, if you have machines surplus to requirements or you are closing down, please feel free to contact us here at Newmac Equipment.

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