Jones & Shipman 1307 Universal Cylindrical Grinder

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Jones & Shipman 1307 Universal Cylindrical Grinder : $12,000 AUD ($13,200 Inc. GST)
We are pleased to offer a used, Jones & Shipman 1307 cylindrical grinder for sale.
Jones & Shipman was a UK based company that manufactured grinding machines for more than a century. Jones & Shipman produced a wide range of grinding machines, including cylindrical, surface, and tool grinders, which are known for their robust construction, precision, and reliability. Jones & Shipman grinders are highly regarded in the manufacturing industry for their quality, durability, and exceptional performance. Don’t miss the opportunity to own this cylindrical grinder at an affordable price. Contact us today to learn more about this product.
Specifications are as follows
356mm swing
1,016mm between centres
Comes with
Coolant system
Internal grinding attachment
Work steady
3 jaw chuck
Other accessories as per photos
This cylindrical grinder is in our warehouse, please feel free to call us on for more information or pop in to inspect the machine at your convenience.
We are always interested in purchasing metalworking machinery, if you have machines surplus to requirements or you are closing down, please feel free to contact us here at Newmac Equipment
We would like to extend a note to all prospective customers. We are happy to provide details of freight companies that transport machines anywhere in Australia or worldwide. However, we want to remind customers that the machines are not insured during transport by either the transport companies or Newmac Equipment. We strongly advise that customers speak with their usual insurance company to take out transport insurance.