Jakobsen SJ 618 Hydraulic Surface Grinder

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Jakobsen SJ 618 Hydraulic Surface Grinder : $12,000 AUD ($13,200 Inc. GST)
We have for sale a Jakobsen SJ 618 Hydraulic Surface Grinder for sale
Stock # 3984
Despite being a used machine it’s in very good condition, ensuring that it can meet most grinding requirements. This machine’s robust construction makes it a valuable addition to any machining workshop.
Specifications are as follows
Table size 450mm x 150mm
Magnetic chuck size 450mm x 150mm
Max grinding wheel dia. 230mm x 20mm
Power requirements, 3 phase 415 volt
Overall dimensions 1800mm x 1300mm x 1820 mm high
Weight 1.5 Tonne
This surface grinder is in our warehouse so please feel free to contact us on or pop in to inspect the machine at your convenience.
We are always interested in purchasing metalworking machinery, if you have machines surplus to requirements or you are closing down, please feel free to contact us here at Newmac Equipment.
We would like to extend a note to all prospective customers. We are happy to provide details of freight companies that transport machines anywhere in Australia or worldwide. However, we want to remind customers that the machines are not insured during transport by either the transport companies or Newmac Equipment. We strongly advise that customers speak with their usual insurance company to take out transport insurance.