Ironair FAD 735 Air compressor

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Ironair FAD 735 Air compressor : $1,800 AUD ($1,980 Inc. GST)
We have an Ironair FAD 735 air compressor for sale.
Specifications are as follows
Free air delivery (FAD) 735L/Min (26CFM)
270L air receiver tank
Requires 3 phase 415 volt power
Motor 5.5kw/7.5hp
3 cylinder pump
LxWxH 1540mm x 510mm x 1170mm
weight 275kgs
Belt drive
We have run this compressor & all works well.
We recommend customers pay us a visit to inspect machinery, where we are happy to test run machinery in our warehouse, that way it gives you peace of mind that the machine will do your job prior to purchase.
Please feel free to call us on for more information & price or pop in to inspect the machine at your convenience.
We are always interested in purchasing metalworking machinery & surplus equipment. Should you be looking at Downsizing, Relocating, Closing Down or having machinery that is surplus to requirements, we would appreciate the opportunity to assist in any way we can.