Hafco Metal Master SG 820 H Surface Grinder (415V)

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Hafco Metal Master SG 820 H Surface Grinder (415V) : $6,500 AUD ($7,150 Inc. GST)
We have in good condition a Hafco Metal Master SG 820H Automatic Surface Grinder for sale
Automatic Hydraulic feed on X Axis
Manual Feed Z and Y Axis
Table Travels X/Y/Z 580 x 220 x 250mm
200mm Diameter Grinding Wheel
Fine Pole Magnetic Chuck 400mm x 200mm
Spindle Motor 1.5hp/1.1kw
Build Date 2012
Machine Size 1700 x 1300 x 1800 (L x W x H)
Machine Weight 750kg
Work Light
Coolant System
Manual Oil Pump
We have run this machine. All functions are working. The surface grinder is in our warehouse so please feel free to pop in to inspect the machine at your convenience.
We are always interested in purchasing metalworking machinery, if you have machines surplus to requirements or you are closing down, please feel free to contact us here at Newmac Equipment.