Ecoca EL 5110 CNC Teach Lathe

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Ecoca EL 5110 CNC Teach Lathe : $10,000 AUD ($11,000 Inc. GST)

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We have an excellent used condition Ecoca EL 5110 CNC teach lathe for sale.
Specification are as follows:
Swing over the bed 510mm
Swing over the cross slide 305mm
Distance between centres 1000mm
Spindle nose D1-8
Spindle bore 80mm
Spindle speeds 20 to 2000 rpm
15HP Main spindle motor
Year of manufacture 1985
Comes with the following accessories:
3 Jaw chuck
4 position tool post
Mitsubishi Meldas 520A CNC control
This machine is in our warehouse ready for inspection under power. Please feel free to pop in to see this machine under power
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