DuMont Minute man Broach Set

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DuMont Minute man Broach Set : $600 AUD ($660 Inc. GST)

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We have a good used condition DuMont Minute Man Broach Set for sale.
In a Self Contained Wooden Box
The set Consists of the Following Items
1 only 10 mm D1 HSS /
1 only 7/16” D HSS /
1 only 12mm D1 HSS
1 only 14mm D1 HSS
Guild Bushes:
1 Each of the Following
Sizes: 32 mm Dia / 34mm Dia / 35mm Dia / 36mm Dia / 38mm Dia40mmDia / 42mm Dia / 44mm Dia / 45mm Dia
46mm Dia / 48mm Dia / 50mm Dia
One of the broaches has damage to its shank which can be seen it the phones, but is still in usable condition.
Please call us for more information or pop in to inspect this equipment at your convenience.
We are always interested in purchasing metalworking machinery & surplus equipment. Should you be looking at Downsizing, Relocating, Closing Down or have machinery that is surplus to requirements, we would appreciate the opportunity to assist in any way we can.
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